Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Is she still here?!

The NYPost is reporting asking if Paris Hilton will ever learn? When the celebutard was questioned under oath in the $10 million slander suit brought against her by jewelry heiress Zeta Graff, Hilton said Graff was as old as her mother "and should stay at home with her child instead of being at nightclubs with young people. And just that . . . What else did I say? Just that she is not cute at all." A pal of Graff says, "Kathy Hilton has now been sub poenaed to declare her real age in public, since Paris made false claims that Zeta was 'old' and her 'mother's age.' In fact, a little bird tells me that Kathy is 46 - Zeta is 37. And Kathy goes out all the time." Graff's lawyers also sent Hilton's lawyers a "warning" letter cautioning Paris about speak ing ill of Graff to anyone. Meanwhile, we hear Paris has been dumped by her PMK/HBH pub licist, Jack Ketsoyan, for stretching the truth.

Dumped by a publicist, in a lawsuit for things you lied about in public that could lose you 10 million dollars....friends with Tara Reid..How much more can go wrong for poor PAris?


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