Monday, July 02, 2007

Yasser Arafat's Party says "Al-Jazeera is Biased"

Hamas TV: We have “proof of homosexual relations between Fatah officials” [Tom Gross]
The Hamas-Fatah power struggle has moved from the street to the TV.
The rival Palestinian factions are now engaged in a war of words through their respective media. A Fatah-run TV station has condemned Hamas’ “dark coup” in the Gaza Strip and Hamas’s al-Aqsa TV says the organization “liberated” Gaza from “Fatah occupation.”
The Hamas network added that they have “proof of homosexual relations between Fatah officials.”
Meanwhile, a prominent Palestinian journalist from Gaza has sought political asylum in Norway. Seif al-Din Shahin, the correspondent for the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news channel, has fled Gaza together with his family, after receiving death threats.
A campaign is also apparently being waged by Fatah against Al-Arabiya’s rival, Al-Jazeera. Fatah leaders have called for closing down the Al-Jazeera offices in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, accusing the Qatari-owned TV station of serving as “a mouthpiece for Hamas” and other radical Islamic groups.
“Al-Jazeera is openly biased in favor of Hamas,” said Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior Fatah figure. “This station must be banned from working in the Palestinian territories.”

Interesting isn't it? Israel pulls back and they start attacking each other. Dare one go against conventional PC wisdom and actually suggest that the Palestinians are responsible for the violence? Who else can you blame since this battle is between Fatah and Hamas?


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